Drosophila wing gal4 drivers

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wing-specific MSGAL4 driver reduces adult wing size relative to wild-type (a). Inset in (c) shows upward curvature of the wing resulting from stronger expression in the dorsal wing compartment. d–g: Genetic interaction phenotypes. Coexpression of dMyc (d) partially suppresses the MSGAL4, UAS-dTORTED wing www.doorway.ru by:  · The GAL4/ UAS binary system has been widely used in Drosophila melanogaster for ectopic expression of transgenes in a tissue-specific manner. The GMR -GAL4 driver, which expresses the yeast transcription factor GAL4 under the control of glass multiple reporter (GMR) promoter elements, has been commonly utilized to express target transgenes, specifically in the developing www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 2 mins.  · vg promoter regulates expression of a GAL4 driver. Drives expression in the presumptive wing margin. In wing disc (third larval instar), expressed along dorsal/ventral compartment boundary. In wing disc (third larval instar), expressed in region of the presumptive wing blade.

C is a transgenic Drosophila strain that has a specific Gal4 expression pattern ("embryonic salivary glands and larval wing and leg discs"). Gal4 is a transcription factor from yeast which binds an upstream activating sequence (UAS) and also happens to function in other species (like flies). In the Gal4/UAS system, a strain expressing Gal4, under the control of a tissue specific promoter or a minimal promoter in an enhancer trap, is crossed with a strain expressing a gene of interest. The GAL4/ UAS binary system has been widely used in Drosophila melanogaster for ectopic expression of transgenes in a tissue-specific manner. The GMR -GAL4 driver, which expresses the yeast transcription factor GAL4 under the control of glass multiple reporter (GMR) promoter elements, has been commonly utilized to express target transgenes, specifically in the developing eye. Identification and characterization of GAL4 drivers that mark distinct cell types and regions in the Drosophila adult gut J Neurogenet. Dec 16; doi: /

Growth of the Drosophila wing, a classic paradigm, is governed by Gal4 driver, which acts selectively in both wing and pre-wing cells). Using the UAS-GAL4 system with wing-specific bxMS driver, we knocked down individual RNAi lines for homologs of CNV and neurodevelopmental genes. 5. (a) Schematic representation of the different GAL4 drivers used to study twist ectopic expression in the wing disc. The MSGAL4 driver.


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