Could not load driver class org.postgresql.driver
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Loading the Driver. Applications do not need to explicitly load the class because the pgjdbc driver jar supports the Java Service Provider mechanism. The driver will be loaded by the JVM when the application connects to PostgreSQL™ (as long as the driver's jar file is on the classpath). Note. · M2 \ repository \ postgresql \ postgresql \ jdbc4 \ this in the classpath, but the class is not found – Joel Victor May 27 '13 at Reviews: 3. · , WARN JDBCExceptionReporter,main - SQL Error: 0, SQLState: null , ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter,main - Cannot load.
Generally, the www.doorway.rue() method is used to find, load, and register JDBC driver. So if your application executes www.doorway.rue(""), then Java's class loader tries to find this class in all the JAR files included in CLASSPATH. If they are able to find then they load, instantiate and register the driver otherwise it throws j www.doorway.ruotFoundException: , WARN JDBCExceptionReporter,main - SQL Error: 0, SQLState: null , ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter,main - Cannot load. When testing a database dataserver using a 3rd party JDBC driver (like IBM BD2, Teradata, PostgreSql, etc) on an Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Standalone.
The JDBC drivers for MySQL (via MariaDB driver), HSQLDB, PostgreSQL along with embedded H2 are available out of the box. If you are using any other database. Playing with Spring Boot on Kubernetes postgresql driver class name spring Could not load JDBC driver class [org postgresql driver class name spring. Example: reason: failed to load driver class in either of hikariconfig class loader or thread context classloader The answer is so.