Driver tacho card expired
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The main reason for driving without a tachograph card is allowed when the card is irretrievable (lost, damaged, malfunctioning or stolen). A misplaced or ‘forgotten’ card is not considered a valid reason, neither is an expired card. One must always ensure a valid and up to date tachograph www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 5 mins. Your tachograph driver card will be sent to your home address. Replacement driver cards should be issued within five working days of receiving a valid application. First applicants and renewals should be received within 15 working days from the day of DVLA receiving the application. If your card(s) fails to arrive contact DVLA by phone on 03or write to Digital Tachograph Team, DVLA, . · As far as I could find, there is no exemption for an expired card, unlike a lost/damaged one - the exemptions do not include expired unless its covered elsewhere. Even using the lost/stolen exemption, that only lasts a maximum of 15 calendar days only.
The main reason for driving without a tachograph card is allowed when the card is irretrievable (lost, damaged, malfunctioning or stolen). A misplaced or ‘forgotten’ card is not considered a valid reason, neither is an expired card. One must always ensure a valid and up to date tachograph card. We have been informed that the DVLA are aware of problems on some Digital Tachograph Driver Cards. Several drivers have reported seeing the following errors on the display of the vehicle unit (VU) when inserting the Drivers Card: "ERROR CODE 48" "CARD ERROR" "CARD NOT VALID" - When it is "CARD EXPIRED" - When the card has not expired. Apply for their first Tachograph Driver Card; Renew an existing Tachograph Driver Card (they expire every 5yrs) Replace a lost, stolen or malfunctioning Tachograph Driver Card.
You can fill in a paper form to apply for, renew or replace a driver digital tachograph card. Either: If you have a paper driving licence, call DVLA and ask. 26 ຕ.ລ. Both main tachograph manufacturers – Continental and Stoneridge – have confirmed what will happen in their devices when the driver card expires. tachograph driver card? Peplacement driver cards will be issued within five working days of receiving a valid application. First applicants and renewal driver.