Drivers of change in upland environments

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desired or unintentional habitat and ecosy stem service change, overexploitation (e.g. excessive. grazing), fragmentation, degradation (e.g. drainage or intensive burning) and disturbance (e.g Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins. Drivers of Change in Upland Environments (Manchester eScholar - The University of Manchester) In April Manchester eScholar was replaced by the University of Manchester’s new Research Information Management System, Pure. In the autumn the University’s research outputs will be available to search and browse via a new Research by:  · Drivers of change in upland environments: concepts, threats opportunities, A. Bonn, T. Allott, K. Hubacek J. Stewart, I Processes and Policy - the overarching Drivers of Change, 2. Natural changes in upland landscapes, M. Evans, 3. Threats from air pollution and climate change on upland systems: past, present future, S. Caporn B. Emmett, 4.

leading to floods or erosion, or natural long-term drivers, such as changes in climate influencing blanket bog formation. Important anthropogenic drivers include land use and management leading to. Drivers of change in upland environments: concepts, threats opportunities, A. Bonn, T. Allott, K. Hubacek J. Stewart, I Processes and Policy - the overarching Drivers of Change, 2. Natural changes in upland landscapes, M. Evans, 3. Threats from air pollution and climate change on upland systems: past, present future, S. Caporn B. Emmett, 4. The upland environments are subject to change. They face imminent threats as well as opportunities from pressures such as climate change, changes in land management and related changes in fire.

PhD Project - QUADRAT DTP: Bronze Age upland settlement dynamics in Ireland and northern Britain: environmental vs. non-environmental drivers at Queen's. These increases are the result of multiple environmental drivers, release from upland peat soils 2: changes in DOC productivity over four decades Sci. Political changes. Behind many of these human influences lie environmental drivers such as: • Outbreaks of livestock and human diseases;.


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